Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee have distinguished a new strategy for identifying Breast and Ovarian tumours, two of the most exceedingly terrible types of malignant cells, which is responsible for one-third of all cancer in women and one-fifth of all cancer-related death.
The research published in the journal, ‘FASEB Bioadvances’ details the utilization of the Whole Saliva as a body liquid for early identification of breast and ovarian tumours, instead of the conventional technique for utilizing blood tests. The team was lead by Prof. Kiran Ambatipudi from the Biotechnology Department at IIT Roorkee have got a breakthrough in distinguishing certain proteins present in the saliva, which act as potential biomarkers indicative of breast and ovarian malignant growth metastasis.
The group looked at the sample from healthy people against the sample gathered from stage IV breast and ovarian disease patients and ovarian malignant growth patients who had experienced at least 3 cycles of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The salivary proteins were analyzed by mass spectrometry indicative of pathophysiology of breast and ovarian tumours and were compared to healthy and ovarian chemotherapy subjects. On the whole, 646 proteins were distinguished, of which 409 proteins were identified in all four categories. In addition to 409 recognized proteins, 352 proteins were common in all category, while 57 were either present/absent solely in one category or common in any two/three category.