Oxfam India recently said that a state of joblessness in the country has been created by the current developmental models and the government must shift its development focus towards labour-intensive sectors to create more jobs. According to a new report released by Oxfam India on ‘Mind The Gap – State of Employment in India’, which states that the lack of quality jobs and increasing wage differences are key markers of inequality in the Indian labour market.
Oxfam India noted that in order to bridge the gap furthering inequality in employment the focus should be towards labour-intensive sectors which can create more jobs. There should be relevant skilling opportunities to raise India as an equal competitor to its neighbours and global competitors.
It further added that to reduce a race to the bottom on corporate tax exemptions there must be a greater focus on progressive taxation. Investment can be done in social protection and essential services such as health and education through the additional revenue generated from these measures.
According to the report, the women workers are most vulnerable as on average, women are paid 34 per cent less than similarly qualified male workers for performing the same tasks.
(Image Courtesy: The Indian Express)