Indian Institute of Art & Design (IIAD), a Kingston university affiliated design institute recently concluded its fourth orientation day. Renowned author and illustrator Devdutt Pattanaik delivered the keynote address on the occasion at the Seminar Hall of IIT Delhi on July 22, 2018. Besides the 100+ students of the class of 2018, their parents and guardians, the day-long event was also attended by esteemed dignitaries and stakeholders of IIAD including the Chairperson, Director, Dean Academics, Dean Outreach & Corporate Relations, Administrative Head and the Faculty Members and Staff.
Taking the Shiva Purana as reference, Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik, author of books such as Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata and Myth = Mithya: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology, in his keynote said, “Since design has an inherent ability to transform anything and make into something beautiful, a designer should be well aware of his senses.” Putting stress on incorporation of Indian tradition in designing he further added, “ An Indian Designer should appreciate Indian tradition, culture and include Indian psychology in their conversations around designs”.
The purpose of the Orientation was to introduce and welcome new students and their families to the IIAD Community. The event was also a means to familiarise the enrolled students with the resources and facilities at IIAD, rules and regulations, and the calendar of academic events.
Giving an insight into the vision and mission of IIAD and a code for the young design aspirants to live by, Dr. Jitin Chadha, Founder & Director, IIAD, said, “It was important for the students to whole heartedly commit themselves to creativity and learning.” In his address he welcomed the Class of 2022 saying, “This would be the students’ initiation into IIAD and the larger design universe for one to exhibit courage and follow their heart while exploring the world of design.”
Capturing the real essence and purpose of design Prof. Usha Nehru Patel, Dean Academic, IIAD, said, “IIAD promotes academic freedom and intellectual inquiry while treating the students as mature individuals who are ready and believe in meaningful learning”. While narrating a simple yet powerful Zen story she further added, “We need to control the intellect and not get carried away by our ‘habit energy”.