Aman’s character is judged by the shoes he wears, so goes the saying. One could now add- by what he posts on social media. Even a frivolous post during student days could have an adverse effect while applying for a job.
Recruiters, apart from checking LinkedIn, look at other platforms. “How many likes did I get — for the post ‘bored at work’?” could give an impression that the person is not sincere.
According to a 2015 study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 43 per cent of employers check-on a job applicant’s social media presence and look them up on search engines. As many as 36 per cent of companies also disqualified candidates based on their social media profiles.
The kind of post one sends out on a social network speaks much about a person’s identity. It’s time that one thinks of ‘so-called’ casual postings about ‘being drunk’, ‘bunking the classes’ or ‘taking an online selfie during lectures’ a pause.
While, one ponders how to do that, here are some basic measures for a healthy digital identity.
- No derogatory comments: The tone of the writing is very important on social media. Being rude in statements just makes one look petty and childish.
- Avoid bad mouthing the company: Well, we know there are pros and cons with every company. Bad mouthing the company or work just shows the person’s incapability to constructively handle the situation.
- Too many selfies show obsession: ‘Love yourself.’ Though the quote has a timeless appeal, it’s important to be mindful on how many selfies are being posted. Also, as per the survey, it is suggested to avoid provocative dressing on social media.
- Poor Grammar: Incorrect grammar on social media is an indication of inability to communicate clearly. The future recruiter might have a problem with it.
- Inactive accounts: Stale accounts reflect disinterest in building engagement and personal branding. So, it’s recommended to commit a little time of the entire week to manage the profile.
Feels easy? Follow them to build an impressive online presence, not only for your contacts, but also for your prospective recruiters.