The Bihar School Examinations Board will publish the Bihar 12th result 2019 online after its official announcement. The process of checking Bihar Board Class 12 result 2019 will thus be hassle free for the students.
The Bihar Board 12th examination 2019 was held from 6th February to 15th February for over 6,87,059 students across 133 centres. BSEB released the admit cards for Bihar Board Class 12 Examination 2019 on 22nd January. The practical exams of Bihar board Class 12 Science exam 2019 were held earlier from 22nd January to 24th January. The Bihar Intermediate practical exams were conducted in two sittings this year. The first sitting was from 9:45 am to 1:00 pm and the second sitting was from 1:45 pm to 5:00 pm.
After the Bihar Board 12th examination was over, BSEB released the answer key for Bihar Board Class 12 examination 2019 on 2nd March for the objective type questions. All the three streams viz. Arts, and Commerce had objective type questions which accounted for 50% questions in the Bihar Board Class 12 exam 2019.
Candidates were advised to download the answer keys to tally their answers. The Bihar Board also had the provision for the candidates to raise objections from March 2 to 5 online at
Steps to Check Bihar Board 12th Result 2019
- The online declaration of Bihar Board Class 12 result 2019 will make it more convenient for the students to check the same. The steps to check Bihar Intermediate Result 2019 are mentioned below.
- Visit
- Enter your Roll Code, Roll Number or search by name
- Your Bihar 12th Intermediate result 2019 will appear on the screen.
- The Bihar Board Class 12 result 2019 will contain details such as Name, Roll Number, Roll Code, Marks Obtained, Total Marks, Percentage and Status of the Result- Cleared/ Not Cleared.
- Candidates must remember to download a copy of Bihar Class 12 result 2019 for future reference.