Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved certain official amendments to the National Medical Commission (NMC) Bill.
The government has considered the recommendations made by the Standing Committee in its report tabled in the House on 20.03.2018 and general feedback, particularly the views of medical students and practitioners regarding certain provisions of the Bill.
The amendments are as follows:
Final MBBS Examination to be held as a common exam across the country
The Cabinet has approved that the final MBBS examination would be held as a common exam throughout the country and would serve as an exit test to be called the National Exit Test (NEXT).
Provision of bridge course for AYUSH practitioners to practice modern medicine removed
It has been left to the state governments to take necessary measures for promoting primary health care in rural areas.
Fee regulation for 50% seats in private medical institutions and deemed universities and number of nominees from States and UTs in NMC increased from 3 to 6
Responding to the demands from States to increase their representation in the NMC, the nominees of States and UTs in the NMC have been increased from 3 to 6. The NMC will comprise of 25 members of which at least 21 will be doctors.
Stringent punishment for unqualified medical practitioners or quacks
The punishment for any unauthorized practice of medicine has been made severe by including a provision for imprisonment of up to one year along with a fine extending up to Rs. 5 lakhs.
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