Manish Sisodia, the deputy Chief Minister of Delhi announced on Saturday that his state will soon have its first ‘government run veterinary college’ looking after all kinds of animals. He made the announcement while talking about the budget in the assembly. “Veterinary science is a great need of this era as it not only protects the health of cattle and domestic animals but also protects human health by screening and controlling zoonotic diseases. Delhi has a large number of pets that require healthcare. To meet this need, I propose a new scheme in the budget for the establishment of the city’s first government veterinary college for the better treatment of all types of animals,” Manish Sisodia stated.
Sisodia also presented the ‘Rozgar Budget’ on Saturday with a grant of 75,800 crore for the year 2022-23 expecting to create 20 lakh jobs in a span of five years by developing an electronic city and also by encouraging night economy and wholesale and retail markets in the national capital.
The size of the budget for the next financial year is supposed to be 9.86 percent greater than that of the last commercial year of 69,000 crore, Manish Sisodia declared. He also stated that Delhi was slowly recovering from the impact of the covid 19 pandemic.
Photo Credit: Times of India