Delhi became the first city in India to supply the world’s cleanest petrol and diesel from the 1st of April, 2018. State-owned oil firms, in an effort to curb the alarmingly high rates of air pollution, started the supply of the Euro-VI grade fuel which was originally supposed to be introduced from 2024.
Euro-VI contains 10 ppm sulphur and replaced the Euro-IV grade petrol and diesel which contained 50 ppm sulphur. The production of this fuel comes at a higher operating cost and is expected to cost about 50 paise a litre more from April 2020 onwards.
Oil Minister, DharmendraPradhan stated that the oil industry has invested 30,000 crore rupees for upgrading the technology and processes to produce the ultra-clean BS-VI petrol and diesel which is equivalent to the Euro-VI fuel emission norms.
13 major cities of India will switch to the Euro-VI grade fuel from January 1st, 2019 while the rest of the country will follow through with from April 2020.