The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is gearing up to modify its examination structure by scheduling CA Foundation and Inter exams three times annually, commencing after the May exams.
This notable initiative, anticipated to take effect this year, seeks to alleviate the stress on CA aspirants and offer them increased chances for success.
During a recent meeting, the Central Council of ICAI discussed and endorsed the implementation of exams for CA Foundation and Inter levels three times a year. This official announcement was also shared on Twitter last week.
As the pilot phase begins with these levels, there are ongoing plans to expand the initiative to four attempts per year, contingent on the feedback and response received.
Dhiraj Khandelwal, a Central Council Member (CCM) of ICAI, explained the flexibility provided by this new pattern to students.
Under this system, candidates can choose when to take their exams. This means that those who are ready after November, won’t have to wait until May or June for the next opportunity.
Similarly, students who are not satisfied with their February results can choose to reattempt the exam in November.
As the initial phase kicks off with these levels, there are plans in motion to broaden the initiative to four attempts each year, depending on the feedback received.
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