IIT Bombay and Smile Foundation collaborated to initiate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in schools. The mission aims to make STEM learning fun in schools while fostering scientific intelligence in children from the early days of school.
Numerous workshops have already been happening since January 2023, as a result of which it is seen that 960 children have been benefitted in diverse areas including Tinkerers’ Laboratory and 3-D printing, Aero-modelling, Energy (solar lamp making), Robotics, Astronomy, and more.
The workshop modules have been designed by the Institute Technical Council of IIT Bombay and are co-facilitated by Gnaan U Education. The entire process is under the supervision and guidance of senior faculty members at IIT-B.
Rajesh Zele from the IIT Bombay Electrical Engineering Department mentioned that the programs would have an effect on the impressionable minds of the youth. He stated that a strong social impact is being made by IIT-B students in collaboration with Smile Foundation, influencing the next generation.