Do you put a lot of effort into becoming open-minded?
There are certain additional benefits for being an open-minded person. Being open-minded is a daunting task as we are brought up with a set of beliefs and values. That is the reason, we tend to surround ourselves with people who share similar beliefs and values. As a result, when faced with challenges, we struggle a lot to come out of that situation.
What does it mean to be open-minded?
Open-mindedness is a human characteristic that requires you to be receptive to various arguments, ideas and information. This is a positive trait in humans and necessary to build to think rationally and critically. Moreover, it becomes difficult to come up with a solution when you’re not open-minded. In this competitive world, it is the need of the hour to step out of the comfort zone and see other perspectives also.
Ask yourself
Open your eyes, they are more colours in nature that inspire you. Ask yourself these questions to self-introspect whether you’re an open-minded person or not
Do you
- Surround yourself with like-minded people?
- Frame your mind before starting?
- Ignore any opposing views?
- Do you have, we’ve always done in this way?
- Spend more time in speaking rather than listening
- Use vocabulary that isolates you?
- Judge the person based on position, gender, age or race?
- Feel intimidated by successful or smart people?
- Isolate yourself from others by belonging to cliches?
Benefits of being open-minded
- Helps in expanding your horizons with differing viewpoints
- Improves your decision-making skills by evaluating the options from every angle.
- Promotes teamwork by respecting other differences instead of being judgemental.
- Build trust by encouraging fair objective decisions
- Adorns your personal growth and welcomes personal feedbacks rather than making the same mistakes
- Find the optimum solution by generating better possibilities to choose rather than settling with one right answer.
- Search the hidden truth by lending an ear to opposing arguments and letting others summon your opinions.