The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released the results of PRT, TGT examinations on Monday, January 28, 2019. The candidates who had appeared in the examinations can check the results through the official website,
The KVS has also released the interview list on the basis of cut-off marks. The schedule of the interview is available on the official website,
How to check
Step 1: Visit the official website,
Step 2: Click on the list of shortlisted candidates for interview
Step 3: The name with roll number of the candidates will appear
Step 4: Download it, and take a print out for further reference.
Check interview schedule
- PGT-Hindi- February 11- Lucknow
- PGT-Commerce- February 12- Lucknow
- PGT- Physics- February 11 and 12- Gurugram
- PGT Maths- February 12- Gurugram
- PGT Chemistry- February 11 and 12- Bhopal
- PGT Biology- February 11- Bhopal
- PGT Geography- February 11- Jaipur
- PGT Economics- February 11 and 12- Delhi
- PGT Computer Science- February 11 and 12- Hyderabad
- PGT English- February 11- Mumbai
- TGT (P&HE)- February 11 and 12- Naida
- TGT (A&E)- February 12 and 13- Noida
- TGT (WET)- February 13 and 14- Noida
Registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act (XXI of 1860), the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan carries out the responsibility of providing, establishing, endowing, maintaining, controlling and managing the central schools (Kendriya Vidyalayas) located all across India and abroad.