leading to a stress-free life
The nationwide lockdown has made all us humans extremely low and stagnant! Our lives are literally revolving around the 4 walls of our house. We have realised that being locked inside a room is not easy for anyone. However, our dear pets have proved to be one of the greatest stress busters helping us regain some spirit in the new monotonous lifestyle. But at the same time, as a responsible pet parent, have we imagined their situation? The nationwide lockdown has equally been difficult and taxing for the pets. The change in their routine like no more daily walks, visits to the park has eventually led to boredom and increased stress. Similar to human beings, pets’ mood, exercise, weight is equally affected. Research says, pet parents are finding it very difficult to treat their pets with this change in routine.
In the earlier stages of the lockdown, we have also witnessed a lot of pet owners being stopped by cops for taking their pets to veterinary clinics in an emergency situation. This change has drastically affected the behaviour of the pets. On the contrary, a lot of pets are surprised to see their owners at home for a longer time than usual while some of them are facing separation anxiety issues due to the same situation. Being a veterinarian, one thing I would suggest to deal with helping the pet parents would be, starting to leave the pets alone so that they get used to greet their parents in a normal manner. Cats on the other hand doesn’t seem to be much affected with the current scenario.
As a doctor, treating pets during lockdown was a major challenge as we had to equally maintain social distancing laws and follow the safety measures. The only option left was online consultation which wasn’t that easy. I had offered my services to the pets online but we had to face a lot of limitations as all the cases can’t be treated without physically checking the patient. However, with the support of webinars targeted to the pet parents, it made it easier to help them with tips and having discussion about their pet’s health. This was indeed an excellent way to reach maximum audiences at every individual’s ease.
Looking on the brighter side, this lockdown has helped the homeless animals find a forever family. Some reports say, getting a new puppy or adopting a pet has increased by 120%. But one should keep in mind that the pet is a great responsibility and is not a temporary solution to deal with one’s pressure and dullness. Be a responsible pet parent as its going to be a commitment for life and I can guarantee you it would be the best one!