Savitribai Phule Pune University has released the schedule for the Maharashtra SET examinations 2020. According to the notification released on the official website, the Maharashtra SET Examinations are scheduled to be conducted on December 27, 2020. Candidates who will be appearing for the Maharashtra SET 2020 exams are advised to visit the official website of Maharashtra State Eligibility Test
The Maharashtra State Eligibility Test is being conducted for the candidates from Maharashtra as Goa. According to the earlier notification released, the Maharashtra SET 2020 examinations were scheduled to be held on June 28, 2020, but the same was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Candidates who will be appearing for the examination can check the related details on the official website – Candidates can also check the official exam notification through the direct link provided below.
Maharashtra SET Exam Dates – Official Notification
According to the notification released, the SET examination will be conducted by the Davutrubai Phule Pune University for the states of Maharashtra and Goa. The examinations which were earlier scheduled to be held in June 2020 but were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic will now be conducted on December 27, 2020.
Candidates scheduled to appear for the Maharashtra SET 2020 examinations are advised to visit the official website for further examination details.
Maharashtra SET Examination Scheme
The Maharashtra SET 2020 examinations will consist of 2 papers with 50 questions in the first paper and 100 questions in the second paper. Paper 1 will be conducted for a duration of 1 hour while the second paper will be conducted for a duration of 2 hours.