The Karnataka Skill Development Corporation (KSDC) has selected nine students to represent India at the 47th World Skills Competition in Lyon, France as per the announcement made by officials on August 28, 2024. Before embarking on the competition, the students met with Sharan Prakash Patil, Minister for Medical Education and Skill Development. The students are pursuing ITI, Diploma, and Engineering courses across various regions of Karnataka.
The National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) organizes the India Skills Competition to identify and prepare candidates for the World Skills Competition. Karnataka achieved second place at the national level during the India Skills competition held in New Delhi from May 15 to 19, 2024.
The World Skills Competition, often termed the “Olympics of Vocational Skills,” will take place from September 10 to 15, 2024, in Lyon, France. The event will feature over 1,000 participants under the age of 22 competing in more than 61 skill categories.