The Minister of Human Resource Development has launched the ranking list of top institution in India. Honourable President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, released the issue, which is the fourth edition in higher education domain.
Many new parameters are introduced to evaluate the colleges and domain expert institution but basic parameters are kept the same. Top institutions are divided into “Overall”, “Universities”, “College” and domain-based categories like Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Law, Medical and Architecture.
What’s New in 2019 Ranking?
- Engineering division has been increased from 100 to 200
- Citations have also been normalized by the number of faculty
- Under medical institution, another sub-parameter has been introduced “Number of beds in a medical institution”
- To evaluate “Research and Professional Practice”, top 25 cited papers in the world for each discipline is introduced.
- The article identified by Financial Times (FT50) in 50 journals was added sub-parameters
How Data was collected?
- Information from applicant institutions
- Scopus (Elsevier Science) and Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) were used for retrieving publications and citation data
- Derwent Innovation was used for retrieving data on patents
- Data Capturing System (DCS), Feedback System and the Perception Capturing System for online capturing of data
- Universities Handbook 2014 (Association of Indian universities, 2014) and websites of institutions were used to verify changes in the names of institutions
The whole evaluation is based on five basic parameters and sub-parameters:
- Teaching, Learning and Resources (TLR)
- Student Strength including Doctoral Students(SS)
- Faculty-student ratio (FSR)
- Combined Metric for Faculty with PhD and Experience (FQE)
- Financial Resources and their Utilisation (FRU)
- Research and Professional Practice (RP)
- Combined Metric for Publications (PU)
- Combined Metric for Quality of Publications (QP)
- IPR and Patents: Published and Granted (IPR)
- Footprint of Projects and Professional Practice (FPPP)
- Graduation Outcomes (GO)
- Combined Metric for Placement and Higher Studies (GPH)
- Metric for University Examinations (GUE)
- Median Salary (GMS)
- Metric for Number of Ph.D. Students Graduated (GPHD)
- Outreach and Inclusivity (OI)
- Percentage of Students from Other States/Countries [Region Diversity (RD)]
- Percentage of Women [Women Diversity (WD)]
- Economically and Socially Challenged Students (ESCS)
- Facilities for Physically Challenged Students (PCS)
- Perception (PR)
- Peer Perception: Academic Peers and Employers (PR)
The ranks are assigned based on the sum of marks from all parameters.
Total Participant Institutions in Each Region:
Discipline | Overall | Engineering | Management | Pharmacy | Architecture | Colleges | Medical | Law | Total |
North | 203 | 120 | 107 | 42 | 21 | 126 | 17 | 30 | 677 |
South | 764 | 527 | 263 | 116 | 25 | 732 | 51 | 18 | 2496 |
East | 123 | 78 | 28 | 14 | 3 | 98 | 4 | 10 | 358 |
West | 389 | 245 | 157 | 129 | 16 | 348 | 30 | 22 | 1336 |
Total | 1479 | 970 | 555 | 301 | 65 | 1304 | 113 | 80 | 4867 |
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