As per Ministry of Human Resource Development, we have around 7,48,547 primary school, 4,47,600 upper primary schools, 2,00,184 Secondary School, 1,28,370 Lower Secondary School and 71,814 Senior Secondary School as per 2010.
As per U-DISE Flash Statistics 2016-17, total teachers in India are 8,905,811 with a count of 6,505,128 in rural areas and 2,400,654 in urban areas.
With 92,275 government schools in the country have only one teacher.
Our current number of Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) lies around:
PT Range | Total | Govt |
≤30 | 70.43 | 72.09 |
30-35 | 7.52 | 7.68 |
35-40 | 5.1 | 5.05 |
40-45 | 3.53 | 3.42 |
45-50 | 2.55 | 2.45 |
>50 | 10.87 | 9.31 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
RTE Act, 2009 mandates Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) at primary level at 30:1 and at the upper primary level, it is 35:1. While, as per the UDISE data, the PTR at the national level for primary schools is 23:1, for upper primary schools, is 17:1 and for Secondary level is 27:1. Madhya Pradesh has more than 18,000 schools with just a single teacher, trailed by Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh with more than 12,000 and 8000, separately.
The higher the proportion, the more prominent are the normal number of students per teacher and the lesser is the time a teacher spends on students, hence influencing adversely the scholarly execution of students. As per 2018 report by Ministry of Human Resource Development, around 35 per cent of teaching positions at various central universities under the purview of UGC are lying vacant (1,323 professors, 2,217 associate professors and 2,457 assistant professors).
Only 3 Indian universities appear in top 100 in the international ranking on student-to-staff ratio, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar and the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
The reason for the decreasing demand for teachership job:
- Low paid preferred sector for jobs
- Lack of research
- Career enhancement opportunities
- Lack of diversity in subjects
- Extreme pressure from parents/society to use education for financial security
- Reservation system
- Construction Facilities