Many students appeared for the UP Board’s high school and intermediate examinations on Tuesday amidst strict surveillance. Students were kept under Uttar Pradesh police’s special task force and CCTV surveillance to avoid students from cheating during the state-run tests.
Lal Mani Dwivedi, state general secretary of Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shikshak Sangh, said, “The 2018 examination of UP Board is a historic episode in the Board’s over nine decades of existence. Never such a wide scale monitoring was put in place and it shows the will of the government to hold free and fair examinations.”
According to the sources, 67,29,500 students are registered for the UP Board’s high school and intermediate examinations from 25,896 schools affiliated to it. As many as 37,12,500 students are registered for high school and 30,17,032 are set to take the intermediate exams. The exams will be held at 8,057 centres in 75 districts of the state in two shifts – between 7.30am and 10.45am and 2pm to 5.15pm respectively.