We at Sharda University strive to serve the society by being a Global University in pursuit of academic excellence, innovation & nurturing entrepreneurship. We aim at holistic development of our students by providing them transformative educational experience by developing deep disciplinary knowledge, problem solving ability, leadership, communication and interpersonal skills. We aim at ensuring student participation in career enhancement activities through exchange programs, student enterprises, volunteering and work-based learning. We also focus on nurturing strong mentor-mentee relationships which enhance the overall personality of students and equip them to face future challenges. We plan to invest in faculty development to upskill them in designing and developing curricula, pursuing research, and offering experiential learning and strengthening the student-welfare activities, academic counselling and administrative support services that contribute to holistic development of today’s students as responsible citizens of the future. The Man behind Sharda University The Man behind Sharda University The Man behind Sharda University The Man behind Sharda University
We have already got the Presidential decree for the setting up of a university in Uzbekistan and the work is going on and it may be operational in the next few months. In this endeavour, Sharda University will play a pivotal role being the main knowledge partner. We also have plans to run and manage a hospital in Zimbabwe. We have been one of the largest foreign exchange earners in the higher education sector in the country and we will continue to attract and have even larger number of foreign students, leading to huge diversity and sharing of knowledge amongst them. The Sharda hospital, will also encourage medical tourism and will become an important centre for treatment of international patients with reasonable and affordable charges.
Entrepreneurial story
Born in in Agra in December 1959, I was brought up in a family with strong values and dedication towards social service. After completing my studies, I started my career with HNT as a contractor in 1979 and later in 1980, I started my own business “Maxwell Products” for manufacturing and supplying of the engineering equipment to educational institutions and research laboratories.
In 1995, Sharda Education Trust (SET) was established to sponsor an engineering college and thus “Hindustan Institute of Science and Technology”, Agra was started in 1996. In 1997, another college was opened, namely, Hindustan Institute of Management of Computer and Studies, Mathura. By getting a huge response and demand for quality education, I started another college, “Anand Engineering College” at Agra in 1999. Gradually, we established Anand college of Education, Anand college of Pharmacy and Anand college of Architecture in the next decade.
Sharda University was established in the year 2009 as a private State University under an Act of UP State Legislature. In a short span, the university emerged as a leading institution of higher education in Greater Noida, Delhi – NCR by imparting instruction to about 12,000 students in almost all disciplines of pure and applied sciences, engineering & technology, management, humanity, architecture, design, mass communication, agriculture, education, law, pharmacy, dental and medical sciences.
Qualities to become successful
In order to become successful, it is very important to have the right mindset for success. To be successful, one needs ambition. Having the right mindset can be a competitive advantage when you are seeking employment or career advancement. Ambitious people will give their 100 percent to whatever they are doing and will also try to be the best in whatever they do. If you feel that you are not good enough, or not capable, then you are unlikely to try and reach your goals of success. Also, always challenge yourself to pursue goals that will stretch and test you.
You need to have that “thing” that makes you to go out to achieve those goals — that elusive “thing” which propels you to engage in life in ways that you would not if you remained secure and comfortable. Few qualities that a student must inculcate since the very beginning are Self- reliance, Will power, Curiosity, Patience, Passion and Self- confidence. There is no short cut to success and it is only in English dictionary that success appears before work. One who wants to achieve something will necessarily have to work hard.
Future of jobs
While automation will displace many jobs over the next 10 – 15 years, many others will be newly created and a lot will change in terms of how we work. Jobs of the future will use different skills in new technology domains like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Robotics. Automation promises to usher in a new era of inexpensive goods, effortless personalization, and freedom from monotony. Automation is likely to become a threat to workers across the globe, especially in economies that rely heavily on manual labour in manufacturing and services’ industry.
According to a study, agriculture, fisheries, transportation and warehousing are among the sectors where job losses from automation will be most painful. To survive this situation, future job seekers will need to upskill themselves and gain knowledge and skills in emerging streams.
Current education scenario in terms of R&D
It is a pity that the total public spending on R&D in our country is not even 0.7 percent of our GDP, though at successive annual meetings of the Science Congress, a commitment is being made for the last several decades to raise the R&D Budget to 2 percent of GDP. We have hardly 150 active researchers per million of population in India as against about 1200 in China, 4000 in USA and about 7000 in Scandinavian countries.
Most of the developed countries spend at least 2.5 to 3 percent of their GDP on R&D. In India hardly 4 to 5 percent of the total research work gets done through Educational institutions while this is as high as 35 percent in Canada, 25 percent in UK and 15-20 percent in USA. To give a boost to R&D, government should have a massive program of giving fellowships for research scholars so that our number of researchers per million rises to the level of China, if not Scandinavian countries. In fact that is also a prerequisite for spending 2 percent of our GDP on R&D, as our existing researchers are being paid fairly well on levels which are quite comparable with developed world.
India set to become 5 trillion dollor economy
India has one of the largest networks of higher education institutions in the world. The government aims to raise its current gross enrolment ratio to 30 percent by 2020 and 50 percent by 2035 which will also boost the growth of distance education in India. India has the world’s largest population of about 500 million in the age bracket of 5-24 years and this provides a great opportunity for the education sector. The education sector in India was estimated at US$ 91.7 billion in FY18 and is expected to reach US$ 101.1 billion in FY19. The country has become the second largest market for e-learning after the US and is expected to reach US$ 1.96 billion by 2021 with around 9.5 million users. Education is directly proportional to the monetary prosperity of a country, therefore, the rise in literacy rate of the country will ultimately support the government’s vision of becoming a $5 trillion economy.
If you feel that you are not good enough, or not capable, then you are unlikely to try and reach your goals of success