The Directorate of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu announced the Tamil Nadu Directorate of Technical Education (TNDTE) Diploma result for October session. Candidates who have participated in the written examination for Tamil Nadu Department of Technical Education Diploma October 2023 can check and download their results from the official website, once released. The examination for various diploma courses were held from November 3 and November 4, 2023. Candidates will have to login with their credentials such as Registration Number to access their Tamil Nadu Polytechnic Result 2023.
Steps to follow to download TNDTE Diploma result –
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Directorate of Technical Education, Tamil Nadu:
Step 2: Click on the “Examination Results” link on the homepage
Step 3: Select “Diploma Semester Exam Results” from the drop-down menu
Step 4: Enter your Register Number and semester in the respective fields
Step 5: Click on the “Get Result” button
Step 6: Your marksheet will be displayed on the screen
Step 7: Click on the “Download Marksheet” button to save your marksheet as a PDF file