The validity of the JRF award letter has been extended by one year; UGC Chairperson M. Jagadesh Kumar tweeted. “UGC has decided to extend the validity period of the JRF award letter up to one year (beyond the three-year period) for all those UGC NET qualified candidates whose admission process was affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. The notification is being issued.”
The decision to extend the validity was taken after witnessing the problems some student’s faced due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The UGC-NET exam for the December 2020 cycle and June 2021 cycle was conducted jointly by the NTA between 20th November 2021 and 5th January 2022 due to the pandemic.
More than 12 lakh people had registered for the exam. The NTA conducted the exam at 837 centres in 239 cities across India. The exam was conducted in 81 subjects.
Photo Credit: College Dekho