IIT Guwahati has collaborated with EduRade, a drone pilot training school, to establish India’s most extensive Remote Pilot Training Organization (RPTO). The main goal of this initiative is to foster the progress of drone technology in India. IIT Guwahati has declared it as the country’s largest drone pilot training organization, covering 18 acres and equipped to operate nine medium-class drones simultaneously. Initially the RPTO plans to launch a DGCA-Certified training course for medium-class drone pilots. This program aims to improve the abilities of young individuals in the North East and other parts of India. Additionally, it will have a special focus on women associated with self-help groups (SHGs) in agriculture, identified under the Namo Drone Didi Yojna initiated by the Government of India.
After successfully finishing the course, students will receive a Remote Pilot Certificate (RPC) approved by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), Government of India. This certification will grant them the legal authorization to operate drones and pursue a profession as certified drone pilots. Moreover, the IITG-RPTO intends to introduce a variety of drone-based courses, to accommodate different skill levels and interests. This ensures a comprehensive education and opportunities for upskilling for individuals with diverse interests and expertise.
Prof. Parameswar K. Iyer, Dean PRBR at IIT Guwahati said that for the past three years, IIT Guwahati has been committed to fostering innovation and excellence in drone technology services and education, and the institute aims to empower organizations and individuals to become leaders and pioneers in this rapidly advancing field. With the drone industry experiencing rapid growth and an increasing demand for skilled pilots, the institute envisions expanding drone education, entrepreneurial activities, and manufacturing to all corners of India. Through this collaboration, their objective is to cultivate a generation equipped with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in the realm of drone technology, driving progress and innovation in this dynamic field.